Respiratory Infections & Inflammations W Cc - costs for treatment in Louisiana

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Respiratory Infections & Inflammations W Cc - costs for treatment in Louisiana

Hospital City Discharges Avg Covered Charges Avg Total Payment Avg Medicare Payment
Lafayette General Medical CenterLafayette36$45,709.20$8,231.56$7,593.14
Thibodaux Regional Medical CenterThibodaux14$24,509.80$7,455.43$5,850.21
Terrebonne General Medical CenterHouma16$24,481.80$8,664.56$6,535.12
West Calcasieu Cameron HospitalSulphur32$26,993.80$7,167.91$6,260.91
North Oaks Medical Center, L L CHammond41$88,111.00$9,368.49$8,052.22
Opelousas General Health SystemOpelousas17$23,661.40$8,295.71$7,514.53
Christus St Frances Cabrini HospitalAlexandria36$38,126.60$7,912.69$7,376.69
Savoy Medical CenterMamou12$27,460.40$7,970.83$7,669.50
Rapides Regional Medical CenterAlexandria33$68,990.30$9,332.45$8,255.61
Christus St Patrick HospitalLake Charles26$39,337.20$7,821.12$7,075.27
Ochsner Medical CenterNew Orleans20$24,718.20$12,370.30$9,008.35
West Jefferson Medical CenterMarrero14$28,156.40$10,424.50$7,614.07
St Tammany Parish HospitalCovington12$35,054.70$7,885.50$7,262.83
Touro InfirmaryNew Orleans23$45,270.40$11,817.30$9,110.22
Jennings American Legion HospitalJennings26$21,869.60$7,362.15$6,431.69
Lake Charles Memorial HospitalLake Charles25$33,428.00$8,806.48$7,768.36
Our Lady Of The Lake Regional Medical CenterBaton Rouge26$20,089.40$8,637.12$7,673.69
Baton Rouge General Medical CenterBaton Rouge13$12,941.50$8,934.77$7,913.85
Northern Louisiana Medical CenterRuston20$52,432.90$7,697.35$7,030.15
Avoyelles HospitalMarksville12$42,058.90$8,248.75$7,347.42
Our Lady Of Lourdes Regional Medical Center, IncLafayette17$27,548.00$7,308.88$6,744.18
Willis Knighton Medical CenterShreveport32$35,756.40$7,998.50$6,918.44
Claiborne Memorial Medical CenterHomer11$20,741.40$8,695.09$7,993.45
St Francis Medical Center MonroeMonroe23$25,040.90$8,217.78$7,509.61
East Jefferson General HospitalMetairie29$20,356.40$8,135.90$7,255.31
Glenwood Regional Medical CenterWest Monroe22$57,338.60$8,394.00$5,904.64
Byrd Regional HospitalLeesville15$52,685.70$7,556.67$6,772.13
Mercy Regional Medical CenterVille Platte28$30,980.20$8,283.25$7,539.11
St Elizabeth Hospital GonzalesGonzales13$27,103.40$7,800.38$6,963.46
St Bernard Parish HospitalChalmette12$21,726.60$10,727.80$6,389.17
Total 30 hospitals656


Source: Medicare Provider Utilization and Payment Data: Inpatient for FY2014

Average Covered Charges: The provider's average charge for services covered by Medicare for all discharges in the MS-DRG. These will vary from hospital to hospital because of differences in hospital charge structures.

Average Total Payments: The average total payments to all providers for the MS-DRG including the MSDRG amount, teaching, disproportionate share, capital, and outlier payments for all cases. Also included in average total payments are co-payment and deductible amounts that the patient is responsible for and any additional payments by third parties for coordination of benefits.

Average Medicare Payments: The average amount that Medicare pays to the provider for Medicare's share of the MS-DRG. Average Medicare payment amounts include the MS-DRG amount, teaching, disproportionate share, capital, and outlier payments for all cases. Medicare payments DO NOT include beneficiary co-payments and deductible amounts nor any additional payments from third parties for coordination of benefits. Note: In general, Medicare FFS claims with dates-of-service or dates-of-discharge on or after April 1, 2013, incurred a 2 percent reduction in Medicare payment. This is in response to mandatory across-the-board reductions in Federal spending, also known as sequestration

Hospital Rank: We have calculated the rank for each procedure within a hospital. The left number is the national ranking, the right one is the state ranking. For discharges, ranking is from highest # of discharges to lower (hospital with highest number of discharges ranks first). For charges and payments, lowest means a higher ranking.

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