Hospital Costs > In Massachusetts > Quincy Medical Center, procedure costs

Quincy Medical Center, procedure costs

114 Whitwell Street, Quincy, MA 02169,

Procedure Costs @ Quincy Medical Center
Procedure Discharges Avg Covered Charges Avg Total Payment Avg Medicare Payment
Count Rank Amount Rank Amount Rank Amount Rank
Alcohol/Drug Abuse Or Dependence W/O Rehabilitation Therapy W/O Mcc2698 / 21$10.504,50145 / 19$5.074,58467 / 5$4.332,42466 / 8
Cardiac Arrhythmia & Conduction Disorders W Cc17144 / 38$8.428,1248 / 7$5.826,941528 / 14$5.043,881523 / 20
Cardiac Arrhythmia & Conduction Disorders W Mcc11112 / 35$17.375,60214 / 33$8.483,911200 / 5$7.611,181197 / 8
Cardiac Arrhythmia & Conduction Disorders W/O Cc/Mcc16134 / 29$7.393,38101 / 14$4.269,441333 / 11$3.209,441328 / 12
Cellulitis W/O Mcc51138 / 32$5.953,3913 / 1$6.029,901695 / 10$4.971,731688 / 15
Chest Pain28123 / 20$7.180,3649 / 6$4.603,321032 / 9$3.613,611026 / 9
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease W Cc34145 / 36$8.707,3244 / 7$6.743,971718 / 14$5.907,741711 / 16
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease W Mcc30172 / 35$12.191,60137 / 20$8.352,001817 / 14$7.464,531809 / 20
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease W/O Cc/Mcc2199 / 26$5.787,8612 / 1$5.318,291531 / 10$4.507,621520 / 17
Degenerative Nervous System Disorders W/O Mcc1365 / 18$11.388,8050 / 9$7.193,77558 / 5$6.450,38558 / 8
Esophagitis, Gastroent & Misc Digest Disorders W/O Mcc52223 / 38$7.835,0287 / 5$5.583,061922 / 16$4.631,061908 / 20
Fractures Of Hip & Pelvis W/O Mcc1546 / 16$7.173,0722 / 2$5.368,13651 / 10$4.399,60651 / 11
Fx, Sprn, Strn & Disl Except Femur, Hip, Pelvis & Thigh W/O Mcc1745 / 17$8.011,4733 / 4$5.472,53453 / 4$4.405,24451 / 6
G.I. Hemorrhage W Cc34184 / 35$11.688,30108 / 12$7.299,211706 / 14$6.372,151702 / 16
Heart Failure & Shock W Cc47231 / 42$11.446,40232 / 23$7.078,871779 / 14$6.102,531774 / 9
Heart Failure & Shock W Mcc25259 / 44$14.087,20113 / 15$10.249,201756 / 10$9.618,201751 / 14
Heart Failure & Shock W/O Cc/Mcc2288 / 24$7.718,3297 / 14$5.107,451424 / 17$4.281,271413 / 19
Hip & Femur Procedures Except Major Joint W Cc16127 / 33$24.385,6072 / 11$13.832,101305 / 11$11.979,101288 / 2
Intracranial Hemorrhage Or Cerebral Infarction W Cc Or Tpa In 24 Hrs20162 / 30$14.207,50114 / 18$7.778,551477 / 19$6.813,751474 / 21
Intracranial Hemorrhage Or Cerebral Infarction W Mcc12156 / 27$14.459,0023 / 4$12.057,001004 / 10$11.046,30999 / 10
Intracranial Hemorrhage Or Cerebral Infarction W/O Cc/Mcc1290 / 26$11.463,0082 / 12$5.611,251154 / 8$4.709,921150 / 17
Kidney & Urinary Tract Infections W Mcc19125 / 28$11.420,5084 / 16$8.007,051293 / 14$6.988,111289 / 14
Kidney & Urinary Tract Infections W/O Mcc73160 / 26$8.235,85132 / 11$5.690,661846 / 20$4.751,181835 / 20
Major Joint Replacement Or Reattachment Of Lower Extremity W/O Mcc85479 / 34$31.816,00305 / 25$15.614,701897 / 14$13.217,201855 / 6
Major Small & Large Bowel Procedures W Cc1197 / 26$32.104,5075 / 11$20.829,60907 / 21$15.286,20899 / 2
Medical Back Problems W/O Mcc17104 / 25$8.389,6529 / 2$5.806,59854 / 5$4.880,47851 / 5
Misc Disorders Of Nutrition,Metabolism,Fluids/Electrolytes W/O Mcc57109 / 21$6.923,7972 / 6$5.248,821805 / 15$4.487,561800 / 22
Other Disorders Of Nervous System W Cc1145 / 19$7.758,456 / 2$6.422,18366 / 6$5.654,18366 / 9
Poisoning & Toxic Effects Of Drugs W Mcc1260 / 19$9.852,082 / 2$10.125,80662 / 4$9.525,83660 / 6
Pulmonary Edema & Respiratory Failure59144 / 15$15.548,80174 / 27$9.368,361697 / 16$8.455,001692 / 18
Red Blood Cell Disorders W/O Mcc25118 / 25$8.540,2853 / 8$6.071,841308 / 12$5.007,001299 / 11
Renal Failure W Cc26195 / 40$10.237,00109 / 19$7.154,771820 / 22$6.456,921810 / 25
Renal Failure W Mcc12183 / 42$15.065,4067 / 11$10.058,101106 / 1$9.148,751106 / 2
Respiratory Infections & Inflammations W Cc1474 / 27$13.330,0055 / 13$9.925,07812 / 14$8.024,07807 / 2
Respiratory Infections & Inflammations W Mcc12124 / 36$14.221,8012 / 3$12.750,801022 / 6$11.776,101009 / 4
Respiratory System Diagnosis W Ventilator Support <96 Hours13118 / 25$30.397,80131 / 18$17.487,401455 / 19$17.001,201441 / 24
Seizures W/O Mcc1791 / 23$8.878,2948 / 9$5.627,65835 / 8$4.842,71832 / 13
Septicemia Or Severe Sepsis W/O Mv 96+ Hours W Mcc55461 / 45$17.984,30171 / 13$13.272,801923 / 20$12.109,401888 / 22
Septicemia Or Severe Sepsis W/O Mv 96+ Hours W/O Mcc16191 / 43$11.820,90134 / 16$7.611,001795 / 11$6.783,001787 / 15
Signs & Symptoms W/O Mcc1972 / 19$7.831,2138 / 3$5.150,37693 / 8$4.022,53690 / 2
Simple Pneumonia & Pleurisy W Cc47156 / 31$8.472,6843 / 6$7.048,341967 / 13$6.097,191959 / 16
Simple Pneumonia & Pleurisy W Mcc26179 / 38$16.995,20216 / 24$10.290,801753 / 14$9.246,771753 / 16
Simple Pneumonia & Pleurisy W/O Cc/Mcc1479 / 25$6.668,2132 / 5$5.312,001331 / 14$4.102,861323 / 10
Syncope & Collapse41128 / 25$7.951,4139 / 5$5.464,801254 / 14$4.492,321247 / 11
Transient Ischemia16109 / 24$8.514,8144 / 3$5.270,621120 / 8$4.290,621114 / 11
Total 45 procedures1.216discharges


Source: Medicare Provider Utilization and Payment Data: Inpatient for FY2014

Average Covered Charges: The provider's average charge for services covered by Medicare for all discharges in the MS-DRG. These will vary from hospital to hospital because of differences in hospital charge structures.

Average Total Payments: The average total payments to all providers for the MS-DRG including the MSDRG amount, teaching, disproportionate share, capital, and outlier payments for all cases. Also included in average total payments are co-payment and deductible amounts that the patient is responsible for and any additional payments by third parties for coordination of benefits.

Average Medicare Payments: The average amount that Medicare pays to the provider for Medicare's share of the MS-DRG. Average Medicare payment amounts include the MS-DRG amount, teaching, disproportionate share, capital, and outlier payments for all cases. Medicare payments DO NOT include beneficiary co-payments and deductible amounts nor any additional payments from third parties for coordination of benefits. Note: In general, Medicare FFS claims with dates-of-service or dates-of-discharge on or after April 1, 2013, incurred a 2 percent reduction in Medicare payment. This is in response to mandatory across-the-board reductions in Federal spending, also known as sequestration

Hospital Rank: We have calculated the rank for each procedure within a hospital. The left number is the national ranking, the right one is the state ranking. For discharges, ranking is from highest # of discharges to lower (hospital with highest number of discharges ranks first). For charges and payments, lowest means a higher ranking.