Hospital Costs > In Illinois > Passavant Area Hospital, procedure costs

Passavant Area Hospital, procedure costs

1600 W Walnut St, Jacksonville, IL 62650,

Procedure Costs @ Passavant Area Hospital
Procedure Discharges Avg Covered Charges Avg Total Payment Avg Medicare Payment
Count Rank Amount Rank Amount Rank Amount Rank
Cardiac Arrhythmia & Conduction Disorders W Cc19142 / 50$19.492,301011 / 29$4.844,47513 / 15$3.828,89511 / 23
Cardiac Arrhythmia & Conduction Disorders W/O Cc/Mcc24126 / 31$9.974,46348 / 7$3.875,46498 / 41$2.439,29494 / 28
Cellulitis W/O Mcc22167 / 60$16.975,001122 / 38$6.529,68913 / 81$4.210,64907 / 42
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease W Cc32147 / 50$17.983,60805 / 22$5.987,941206 / 38$5.158,941201 / 62
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease W Mcc54148 / 36$22.888,80962 / 25$7.496,281391 / 41$6.689,761385 / 64
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease W/O Cc/Mcc4476 / 13$18.003,701111 / 42$4.566,451037 / 28$3.771,551028 / 58
Esophagitis, Gastroent & Misc Digest Disorders W/O Mcc43232 / 63$19.002,901281 / 34$4.752,88764 / 28$3.604,60759 / 32
Fractures Of Hip & Pelvis W/O Mcc1249 / 20$18.866,80469 / 15$5.172,08203 / 28$3.254,83204 / 13
G.I. Hemorrhage W Cc26192 / 56$22.408,00975 / 26$7.036,54987 / 63$5.350,19985 / 47
G.I. Hemorrhage W/O Cc/Mcc1355 / 16$13.330,50243 / 6$4.452,23375 / 12$3.516,85372 / 23
G.I. Obstruction W Cc1181 / 38$20.627,80695 / 22$5.680,18793 / 34$4.804,55791 / 47
G.I. Obstruction W/O Cc/Mcc1457 / 23$22.006,70912 / 50$4.822,14462 / 49$2.916,50461 / 27
Heart Failure & Shock W Cc38240 / 64$16.664,80767 / 18$6.359,421316 / 45$5.565,321312 / 58
Heart Failure & Shock W Mcc17267 / 83$32.099,801222 / 39$10.088,201773 / 62$9.646,821768 / 84
Heart Failure & Shock W/O Cc/Mcc2387 / 32$14.900,10844 / 28$4.313,17770 / 30$3.529,87766 / 48
Hip & Femur Procedures Except Major Joint W Cc17126 / 46$38.544,80565 / 9$12.600,901216 / 56$11.682,301201 / 69
Intracranial Hemorrhage Or Cerebral Infarction W Cc Or Tpa In 24 Hrs13169 / 58$21.720,30584 / 10$6.910,54975 / 42$5.797,92972 / 52
Intracranial Hemorrhage Or Cerebral Infarction W/O Cc/Mcc1488 / 32$16.599,70340 / 9$4.858,00602 / 21$3.738,00598 / 39
Kidney & Urinary Tract Infections W Mcc5292 / 17$24.835,50909 / 33$7.324,92832 / 46$6.133,96831 / 43
Kidney & Urinary Tract Infections W/O Mcc48185 / 48$20.633,301640 / 55$5.715,831024 / 74$3.976,981016 / 48
Major Joint Replacement Or Reattachment Of Lower Extremity W/O Mcc116448 / 58$49.700,801272 / 36$14.682,901567 / 53$12.241,901532 / 70
Major Small & Large Bowel Procedures W Cc1494 / 33$73.999,90917 / 37$17.032,901006 / 31$15.910,60995 / 58
Misc Disorders Of Nutrition,Metabolism,Fluids/Electrolytes W/O Mcc47119 / 33$15.812,901064 / 35$4.487,23915 / 29$3.590,55912 / 40
Pulmonary Edema & Respiratory Failure33170 / 41$28.048,90914 / 25$7.807,551085 / 36$7.073,481083 / 48
Red Blood Cell Disorders W/O Mcc21122 / 37$18.860,50791 / 34$5.119,14863 / 33$4.370,95858 / 51
Respiratory System Diagnosis W Ventilator Support <96 Hours19112 / 37$58.811,90883 / 37$15.348,901113 / 48$14.648,301101 / 64
Septicemia Or Severe Sepsis W/O Mv 96+ Hours W Mcc11505 / 103$46.178,401635 / 51$13.011,501877 / 73$11.970,201842 / 85
Simple Pneumonia & Pleurisy W Cc10598 / 14$23.354,201487 / 47$6.568,631313 / 53$5.313,151308 / 58
Simple Pneumonia & Pleurisy W Mcc48157 / 43$35.362,301374 / 40$9.313,691417 / 48$8.529,711417 / 62
Simple Pneumonia & Pleurisy W/O Cc/Mcc3756 / 13$18.149,801039 / 41$4.667,43786 / 36$3.489,14782 / 48
Transient Ischemia13112 / 41$17.489,20452 / 12$4.466,15478 / 21$3.353,54477 / 29
Total 31 procedures1.000discharges


Source: Medicare Provider Utilization and Payment Data: Inpatient for FY2014

Average Covered Charges: The provider's average charge for services covered by Medicare for all discharges in the MS-DRG. These will vary from hospital to hospital because of differences in hospital charge structures.

Average Total Payments: The average total payments to all providers for the MS-DRG including the MSDRG amount, teaching, disproportionate share, capital, and outlier payments for all cases. Also included in average total payments are co-payment and deductible amounts that the patient is responsible for and any additional payments by third parties for coordination of benefits.

Average Medicare Payments: The average amount that Medicare pays to the provider for Medicare's share of the MS-DRG. Average Medicare payment amounts include the MS-DRG amount, teaching, disproportionate share, capital, and outlier payments for all cases. Medicare payments DO NOT include beneficiary co-payments and deductible amounts nor any additional payments from third parties for coordination of benefits. Note: In general, Medicare FFS claims with dates-of-service or dates-of-discharge on or after April 1, 2013, incurred a 2 percent reduction in Medicare payment. This is in response to mandatory across-the-board reductions in Federal spending, also known as sequestration

Hospital Rank: We have calculated the rank for each procedure within a hospital. The left number is the national ranking, the right one is the state ranking. For discharges, ranking is from highest # of discharges to lower (hospital with highest number of discharges ranks first). For charges and payments, lowest means a higher ranking.