Hospital Costs > In Massachusetts > Merrimack Valley Hospital, procedure costs

Merrimack Valley Hospital, procedure costs

140 Lincoln Avenue, Haverhill, MA 01830,

Procedure Costs @ Merrimack Valley Hospital
Procedure Discharges Avg Covered Charges Avg Total Payment Avg Medicare Payment
Count Rank Amount Rank Amount Rank Amount Rank
Alcohol/Drug Abuse Or Dependence W/O Rehabilitation Therapy W/O Mcc8248 / 5$7.111,4159 / 5$5.035,24404 / 4$4.116,61404 / 4
Alcohol/Drug Abuse Or Dependence, Left Ama2029 / 5$3.594,6018 / 4$3.416,0028 / 1$2.808,0027 / 1
Cardiac Arrhythmia & Conduction Disorders W Cc12149 / 40$8.059,5040 / 6$5.757,581316 / 11$4.679,581311 / 6
Cardiac Arrhythmia & Conduction Disorders W Mcc16107 / 31$12.901,4070 / 16$8.727,251222 / 7$7.669,251219 / 9
Cellulitis W/O Mcc26163 / 47$7.274,2755 / 8$6.309,001421 / 20$4.642,421414 / 5
Chest Pain11140 / 30$8.604,0985 / 12$4.440,27989 / 4$3.534,82983 / 6
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease W Cc26153 / 41$7.544,0816 / 3$6.612,231653 / 11$5.774,081646 / 13
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease W Mcc31171 / 34$11.834,30120 / 18$8.049,481780 / 6$7.390,901772 / 16
Esophagitis, Gastroent & Misc Digest Disorders W/O Mcc37238 / 45$8.352,51116 / 7$5.573,541514 / 15$4.138,221502 / 7
G.I. Hemorrhage W Cc17201 / 43$13.874,90215 / 24$7.713,181146 / 23$5.514,351144 / 1
G.I. Hemorrhage W Mcc12109 / 29$20.575,4077 / 15$12.257,80979 / 9$11.137,20972 / 9
G.I. Obstruction W Cc1280 / 29$12.191,80126 / 16$6.230,671222 / 6$5.628,001218 / 15
Heart Failure & Shock W Cc32246 / 49$10.959,00191 / 18$7.011,031814 / 11$6.172,781809 / 12
Heart Failure & Shock W Mcc70214 / 30$14.551,00127 / 16$10.199,601650 / 9$9.376,071645 / 9
Intracranial Hemorrhage Or Cerebral Infarction W Cc Or Tpa In 24 Hrs11171 / 36$11.504,6049 / 6$7.309,091182 / 6$6.107,641179 / 10
Intracranial Hemorrhage Or Cerebral Infarction W Mcc11157 / 28$15.678,4036 / 6$12.283,901113 / 11$11.623,501107 / 15
Kidney & Urinary Tract Infections W Mcc14130 / 32$9.370,6434 / 5$7.193,50853 / 2$6.160,36851 / 2
Kidney & Urinary Tract Infections W/O Mcc22211 / 46$8.783,95178 / 19$5.533,681778 / 11$4.656,591767 / 16
Major Gastrointestinal Disorders & Peritoneal Infections W Cc1162 / 21$15.259,80125 / 22$8.184,18810 / 4$7.858,36808 / 11
Major Joint Replacement Or Reattachment Of Lower Extremity W/O Mcc32532 / 45$37.476,80613 / 36$15.481,002026 / 12$13.705,701984 / 20
Misc Disorders Of Nutrition,Metabolism,Fluids/Electrolytes W/O Mcc22144 / 37$7.543,68108 / 9$4.957,001456 / 8$4.021,731451 / 8
Organic Disturbances & Mental Retardation1247 / 10$13.495,9061 / 12$6.989,42318 / 4$6.482,75318 / 6
Other Digestive System Diagnoses W Cc1186 / 26$9.853,7331 / 8$6.470,45761 / 1$5.702,45757 / 2
Pulmonary Edema & Respiratory Failure21182 / 33$13.934,40100 / 16$8.786,101534 / 3$7.923,621529 / 6
Renal Failure W Cc20201 / 43$10.082,20101 / 15$6.937,701652 / 17$6.035,301643 / 15
Renal Failure W Mcc24171 / 33$15.459,6079 / 13$10.964,201403 / 13$9.952,331403 / 13
Respiratory Infections & Inflammations W Mcc18118 / 33$22.465,90158 / 26$13.373,101227 / 12$12.633,601212 / 12
Septicemia Or Severe Sepsis W/O Mv 96+ Hours W Mcc47469 / 47$20.888,80300 / 27$12.805,901928 / 11$12.126,401893 / 23
Septicemia Or Severe Sepsis W/O Mv 96+ Hours W/O Mcc22185 / 38$10.516,7071 / 9$7.284,551619 / 6$6.456,911612 / 9
Simple Pneumonia & Pleurisy W Cc16187 / 43$9.133,1267 / 10$7.098,811929 / 15$6.046,811921 / 15
Simple Pneumonia & Pleurisy W Mcc46159 / 29$17.911,00260 / 29$10.349,801836 / 15$9.508,091836 / 20
Total 31 procedures764discharges


Source: Medicare Provider Utilization and Payment Data: Inpatient for FY2014

Average Covered Charges: The provider's average charge for services covered by Medicare for all discharges in the MS-DRG. These will vary from hospital to hospital because of differences in hospital charge structures.

Average Total Payments: The average total payments to all providers for the MS-DRG including the MSDRG amount, teaching, disproportionate share, capital, and outlier payments for all cases. Also included in average total payments are co-payment and deductible amounts that the patient is responsible for and any additional payments by third parties for coordination of benefits.

Average Medicare Payments: The average amount that Medicare pays to the provider for Medicare's share of the MS-DRG. Average Medicare payment amounts include the MS-DRG amount, teaching, disproportionate share, capital, and outlier payments for all cases. Medicare payments DO NOT include beneficiary co-payments and deductible amounts nor any additional payments from third parties for coordination of benefits. Note: In general, Medicare FFS claims with dates-of-service or dates-of-discharge on or after April 1, 2013, incurred a 2 percent reduction in Medicare payment. This is in response to mandatory across-the-board reductions in Federal spending, also known as sequestration

Hospital Rank: We have calculated the rank for each procedure within a hospital. The left number is the national ranking, the right one is the state ranking. For discharges, ranking is from highest # of discharges to lower (hospital with highest number of discharges ranks first). For charges and payments, lowest means a higher ranking.